Stream Logo

The SuperApp DeFi Deserves

Liquidity Provision

Total Value Locked

USDC token logo


30% APY*

Locked Value

1,749,096.30 USDC

ETH token logo


15% APY*

Locked Value

0.114 wETH

BTC token logo


15% APY*

Locked Value

0.0002 wBTC

DeFi Solutions

Market Makers and Trading Firms take advantage of cheap capital to do active strategies out of reach to everyday users.

Stream - White Jar
- Stalling DeFi Growth
- Siloed Engines
- Inferior Products
- Lack of Adaptability
Stream - White Jar
+ Blend TradFi and DeFi
+ Competitive TradFi
+ Spark Growth
+ Better Yields

Capital Efficiency

At Stream, we are aiming to create products that are more capital efficient and thus attractive for users and the space.

Our products

We are developing a capital efficient platform to supercharge DeFi adoption.

USDC token logo


30% APY*

This vault takes advantage of non-directional trades to earn high yield. This strategy simultaneously goes long and short, allowing it to collect funding from the short while not being exposed to downside.

ReturnHIGH, variable
RisksExecution failure, smart contract risk, custody risk
Locked Value1,749,096.3051658568 USDC

Coming Soon

Clearing House
A multichain capital efficiency optimized DEX is the natural next step for Stream
Stream - Jar without fill
Stream - Jar